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Non ci fermiamo davanti a nulla per il bene di chi proteggiamo.

Our work

At the heart of our vision for justice and equity are our students. They are at the center of our struggle. In addition to fighting for their rights globally, we also do so locally.

Always giving the best

We restore the rights of our students in all our Schools. In addition to excellent education, we provide meals and food parcels to families, transportation to and from School, and targeted and individualized psycho-social support.

Right to health

Our students live in extremely fragile settings where health care and support for treatment and prevention are nonexistent. In different ways depending on the contexts, we provide all our students with health support through insurance, support from partner organizations, or agreements with local hospitals.


In all our schools, boys and girls have equal access to education. We work with families and the community to ensure that girls have the same opportunities as boys in and out of school, and we provide specialized and targeted support for girls who need it.

Ad-hoc support

All the contexts our students live in are complex, fragile and rooted in extreme poverty. Our financial independence allows us to intervene ad hoc where necessary, depending on the needs. From clearing a landfill to fighting medical malpractice in Kenya, discover our local battles.

Still I Rise

With your regular donation you can change the fate of the most vulnerable children in the world.

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