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Willing to do anything
to protect humanity.

Through our tireless advocacy and awareness raising work, we fight for the rights of all the children in the world.

Our work to defend
our students' rights

Our presence on the field and our independence from government and supranational funding allow us to be at the forefront of monitoring and unfiltered reporting of human rights violations in the places we operate in. We restore the denied rights of our students in our Schools, but it is not enough: only systemic and global change can bring justice, and consequently equity and peace, to the world.



Our goals
  • 659K Signatures on our petitions
  • 40 MEPs and Members of Parliament who have supported our work so far
  • 12 Rule 39 Interim Measures requests granted at the European Court of Human Rights

What we do

The more of us there are, the greater the duty of policymakers to listen to us: we share our battles with our audience because only together we can build a more just world, for all.


Emigrating is an intrinsically human experience, but often full of pain: leaving your home and loved ones with the knowledge of not being able to see them again is an extremely difficult choice.

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Forgotten conflicts

Although wars are regulated by international norms and conventions, these are routinely ignored by the parties to the conflict.

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Child labor

The causes of child labor are many and often context-related, but they all have a common denominator: poverty.

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Our Students

At the heart of our vision for justice and equity are our students. They are at the center of our struggle.

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Our battles around the world.

Here is where we fight to change the system.

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