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Together‘s objective is to involve teenage students of any nationality, who cannot currently attend school due to the health emergency. The goal is to instil passion, generate curiosity, and promote online education among children between 11 and 17 years old equally. At the core of the project there is the will to offer an easy, inclusive, and free solution to realise the dream of high quality education for all.

«At the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic we had to close all of our centres and sadly say goodbye for now to all of our students», says Michele Senici, Education Director for Still I Rise. «We started wondering how we could contribute. The answer clearly appeared in our minds: bring what we normally do within our field projects online».

The 11 courses, delivered in English and developed by Still I Rise teachers, educators and facilitators, range from the acquisition of mathematical foundations to themes that promote student’s psycho-social development such as problem solving, simple law, and meditation. The syllabus includes an English learning program which supports students who have foundational English to acquire further linguistic skills.

In order to access Together students only need a reliable internet connection to sign up to Google Classroom. To make the registration process easier, Still I Rise offers a collection of instruction PDF flashcards available in English, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian.

The Liberi di Imparare (Free to Learn) project is a teaching programme designed specifically for Italian schools. Through 4 modules students can get closer to hot current affairs issues, namely minors rights, migration processes, and the hotspot situation, all while being supported by Still I Rise officers’ field accounts from Greece, Turkey, and Kenya.

«It is a new project which holds immense potential; the main objective is to get students closer to complex and current topics», explains Serena Toscani, School Relations Manager at Still I Rise.

Both projects are extremely versatile thanks to their e-learning nature which allows for continuous interaction and feedback between students and Still I Rise team members. Liberi di Imparare (Free to Learn) also offers an extra optional activity: a visit to the virtual exhibition of “Through Our Eyes”, created with photos taken by Mazì students documenting their day to day life inside the hotspot in Samos.

Both teaching projects are free for all to access and users can choose to support the NGO’s projects through a voluntary donation.

To know more about Still I Rise’s e-learning


LIBERI DI IMPARARE (Free to learn): 

(Press release)

Still I Rise

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