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Our students at the International School of Bogotà are refugees, internally displaced persons, or extremely vulnerable local children. Discover their stories beyond the labels.

  • I dream of becoming a veterinarian and caring for animals. School has become my refuge, and I never want to leave it.

    My name is Alejandra and I love animals!

    I am a student at the International School of Bogotà. I was born and raised in Venezuela and emigrated to Colombia with my mother and siblings. We found refuge in Ciudad Bolívar, in Bogotá. The journey was long and dangerous, with hunger and thirst along the way. We slept in the street and shared a small room with 10 other people for a long time, without running water or light. At first I was afraid to start school, fearing racism and sexual harassment, but after a few weeks I realized that here I can be myself without fear of judgment from others.

  • I am learning English and I look forward to deepening my passion for computing and technology. Here, finally, I feel safe and free to grow.

    My name is Robert and I love computer science and technology

    I arrived in Bogota from Cartagena with my father. When I attended Education Camp I was very shy and lonely, but the field team realized that behind my shyness hid a lot of fear. I felt lost and uncertain about my future, wondering if I had to leave this school too. Growing up in complicated family backgrounds made me responsible from a young age. School has become a home for me, a safe place where I can be protected.

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